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The Science of the Vaccine - Update for 2022


Join the Conversation!

With the Omicron variant in the news, we know you may have a lot of questions! Tune in as our experts provide the latest information about the vaccines currently available for COVID-19 and help you make the best decisions for your family. News 9’s Amanda Taylor moderates as our panel responds to your comments and answers your questions.

Special thanks to our Library Partners:
Anadarko Community Library
Jim Lucas Checotah Public Library
Grove Public Library


Our panelists:
Mr. Blaine Bolding 
Chief Operating Officer
Oklahoma City County Health Department
Oklahoma City, OK

Dr. Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH
Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor 
Enterprise Chief Quality Officer 
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma City, OK
Ms. Pamela Lovelace, RN 
Employee Health, Infection Control, Vaccine Specialist 
The Physicians Hospital
Anadarko, OK 
Dr. John Rice, DO 
Family Medicine
Payne and Rice Clinic 
Checotah, OK



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Communities for Immunity provides funding awards and support to museums and libraries engaging their communities to boost COVID-19 vaccine confidence. The initiative is made possible with support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and is led by the Association of Science and Technology Centers and the American Alliance of Museums. For more information visit
Answers to the questions asked of the previous panels are in the following videos.

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SMO’s Science Of programs are funded by donations to our Annual Fund. To make a donation today, visit the link below.

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Introductions

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Available Vaccines

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Under Five

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Fully Vaccinated?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Johnson & Johnson

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Health Risks

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: History of MRNA Vaccine

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Vaccinated & Still Caught it

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Previous Covid Infection

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: High Antibodies

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Areas of Concern

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Where are they Developed?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Government Tracking?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Adverse Reactions

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Why Vaccinate Kids?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: What is MISC?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Safe to Mix

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Safe to Mix Booster

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Down the Road

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Long Term Effects

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Antibodies & Immune Reponse

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: After Infections

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Groups of Concern

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Booster after Covid?

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Future of Testing

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Yearly Boosters

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Life in the Future

Science of the Vaccine Panel 2022: Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts


Under the age of 5

What is to come?

Why boosters?

How protected are we against the variants?


Take Covid vaccine with other vaccines?

Should we monitor?

Immune System Response


Measure the success?

Side Effects?

Is natural immunity better?

Why take unnecessary risks?


Already had Covid-19?

How protected will they be?

Risk of MISC

Autoimmune Complications

Inoculated, Immunized or Vaccinated?

Vaccines available for kids

Will it alter my DNA?

How safe is it?

Is MRNA rushed?

How MRNA works

Johnson & Johnson, what makes it unique?

Johnson & Johnson, Why just one shot?

What is in the Vaccine?

Adverse reactions from Johnson & Johnson?

Vaccines while pregnant

Why different reactions from the same vaccine?

Doses for the Elderly?

Immunity if Covid Positive?

Can vaccines reduce Covid-19 long haul side effects?

Variants b117 & b1351

Donating blood during a pandemic

Travel while vaccinated?

Do children need the vaccine?

Masked while vaccinated?

Vaccine and over the counter medicine?

Latest Variants? (4.31.21)

Vaccine Availability

Breastfeeding while vaccinated

Kids activities and safety?

What is next?

A look into the future

How do I know if I'm immune after being vaccinated?

When do you think we'll see a drop in COVID-related hospitalizations?

What's the process of being vaccinated and what does it cost?

Should I get the vaccine if I've already had COVID-19?

Breastfeeding and those with compromised immune systems.