All Aboard at Science Museum Oklahoma: Museum Offers Tours of Historic Train Car Through Jan. 1
December 8, 2017
Science Museum Oklahoma will offer tours of its 1929 Pullman parlor car throughout the holiday season. Tours are available daily through Jan. 1 and are included with general admission.
Guests planning visits to Science Museum Oklahoma have an extra reason to head to the museum during the holiday season: tours of SMO’s 1929 Pullman parlor car.
“The Pullman parlor car is normally closed to maintain its preservation — it has been restored to its original state and is essentially an artifact that you can walk through,” said Clint Stone, vice president for programs at Science Museum Oklahoma.
Tours are available during regular museum hours through Jan. 1 and are included with general admission. No reservations or additional tickets are required.
“We open the parlor car for a limited amount of time each year. These special occasions provide our guests a glimpse of life in the early 20th century and an opportunity to experience what riding in style was like back then. While you can always see into the train car through its windows, it’s a different experience to walk through it — it’s a bit like walking through history. Trains and the holidays just seem to go together, and for that reason our these tours have become a tradition that we love to share with our guests.”
The Pullman parlor car was built for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and, after several other owners, was donated to the then Kirkpatrick Center, now Science Museum Oklahoma, in 1982. The portion of the museum that houses the train car was built around it.
The Pullman parlor car is located on the first floor of the museum near Tiny Tracks, an exhibit that features railway artifacts and an M.G. Pinky Martin model train that weaves through 1,000 square feet of town, countryside and Oklahoma City landmarks.
Located at 2020 Remington Place in Oklahoma City, Science Museum Oklahoma is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. The museum is closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and is open on New Year’s Day. Daily general admission is $15.95 for adults (ages 13 to 64) and $12.95 for children (ages 3 to 12) and seniors (65 and older). Annual memberships begin at $95.
For more information about Science Museum Oklahoma, call 405-602-6664 or visit